How to disseminate knowledge about distance education
Elsa Beatriz Palacios Corral
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Manuel Flores Fahara
Tecnológico de Monterrey
The importance of organizational learning in institutions undergoing change processes is increasingly relevant in the current context. This kind of learning needs dissemination strategies that will result in the institutionalization of knowledge, in order to achieve success. This paper describes the history of the distance learning mode of a Mexican higher education institution, and highlights the dissemination of knowledge strategies which led to its consolidated model and best practices over the past 24 years. Firstly, the paper provides a review of the literature on theories and empirical studies on the topic. Then it tells the story of the mode, based on an analysis of documents, videos, and reports made by the Institution, in addition to records of participant researcher observations. It also provides an analysis of the dissemination strategies used by the institution as compared to the literature reviewed. Finally, the conclusions and some recommendations on dissemination actions, which might be implemented to improve the process and assure a better capitalization of organizational knowledge, are discussed.
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